Emotions + Essential Oils
What if I told you that when you experience an emotion, positive or negative, that it stores in your body way down at the cellular level, would you believe me?
It’s true.
We tend to stuff our emotions and move on without dealing with them. Truth bomb: Feelings buried alive never die. They are living unless dealt with. If left stuffed, our organs begin to become distressed, along with many other glands and functions internally. Our emotions then become triggered by negative words or events, and we spiral out without understanding why it even happened. It’s no wonder we have this issue though. Every where we turn we face negativity: the news, radio, magazines. But friends, there’s HOPE. We can choose to not surround ourself around negative people, or to watch the news! We can choose to listen to music that doesn’t talk about degrading the opposite sex. We can choose positivity and we can choose to respond in a positive way. We can also choose to use powerful tools that directly affect our emotional hub in our brain, which are essential oils.
The limbic region in our brain is directly connected to our olfactory system, which our nose. Scent triggers our emotions and memories! Essential Oils contain molecules that may cleanse, repair and restore our body at the cellular level. What better way to support our emotions than by applying or inhaling our life giving oils to uproot and repair any damage our stuffed feelings may have caused!
I enjoy using this Feelings Kit to support my emotions. I even use it in my office for aromatherapy sessions. I have been using it for about two years with much success. I go from applying all six in one sitting to apply or diffusing sporadically. I have used the Feelings Kit only children and husband as well. It’s SUCH A GREAT TOOL!